Monday, August 23, 2010

Sagarika IBN Editor manages to insult entire

Sagarika Ghosh journalist from IBN insults an entire community and try to trigger regional war by asking following. 


Not satisfied inflaming regional passions, she now tries to inflame religious sensitiveness by making following outrageous comments



  1. Excellent! Keep exposing the monkeys.

    Here is an aside:

    Q: Why did SoniaG become Con-gress president?
    A: It's the 'two cats and a monkey story' from the Panchatantra. This is how it reads:

    “The two cats have a loaf to share. But neither of them trusts the other to share it equally. A clever monkey steps in saying she would distribute the loaf equally. She brings in a balance; cuts the loaf into two and places the two pieces in the two pans of the balance. One pan goes down. The monkey says ‘this piece is slightly heavier; let me balance it’. With that she plucks a small piece and eats it. Now the other pan dips. The monkey says, ‘now this piece is slightly heavier; let me balance it.’ With that she plucks a small piece and eats it. Every time she does this the other pan dips because it is now heavier. The clever monkey repeats the process till eats the entire loaf.”

  2. this wimmen is vermin.whenever this vermin who i call sagarikaseptisemia is afflicted wit a disease called gingivites. an incorrrigble sinner .

  3. Indeed wonderful work! Do expose these outstandingly partial and pseudo-secular menaces that litter our society with their negative perceptions behind the cloak of so called Media.

    And an excellent 'aside' befitting CON plight by @voxindica.

    One Q to Sagarika, " Dare she pronounce PBUH with marmalede in her mouth? " Its an open challenge to her and her media ethics.

  4. What a hollow, joke or a journalist Sagarika Ghose is. And she is an editor with CNN-IBN! Pathetic!

  5. "Beheading Sagarika" : Breaking news she is claiming she has one .....
